Power Snatch Practice (Coach Led)
2 Power Snatch
(reset reps – increase load to working weight every second minute)
AMRAP in 20 mins
Intended Stimulus
This workout will be fast paces but control that breathing so you can sustain high intensity.
Aiming for 5+ rounds.
The run is there to recover the muscle for the next 5 rounds.
Snatch should be heavy as its only 1 rep.
Rx: 60/42.5 | Scaled: 42.5/30
1 Power Snatch
2 HR Press Ups
3 Air Squats
Every time you complete 5 rounds: Complete 1 Hill Run = 1 round
Time Trial & Cool Down
2000m Row (Time Trial)
1:00 Child Pose
1:00 Foam Roll Quads