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WOAH Tuesday 23/02/21

*At completion any WODs you complete: 20 Down ups 21 Full sit ups (For the year, 2021) BODYWEIGHT at home 10 Rounds For Time 300 m Run/Row 20 Air Squats 10 Press ups GYMNASTICS at home 3 Sets. 40 Press ups 80 Russian Twists (L+R =2) Rest 2mins between sets BARBELL at home WOD - 20min Cap 150 x GTOH (light weight) EMOM 10x press ups (Scale to 5x press ups) ERG/Row at home 9 rounds max meters 1 minute on 1 minute off *set up intervals 1 on 1 off STRENGTH at home Strict Press 5x5 Snatch Grip High Pulls 6x3 Barbell Shrugs 5x6 6 sets of the following Complex 2 Snatch High Pulls, 2 Hang Power Snatch, 2 Squat Snatch rest 2 mins between sets. 9 min AMRAP 9 OHS 9 Hang Power Cleans 9 Clean & Jerk MET-CON at home 30 min emom 1- 12 Slamball/ MB over shoulder 2- 10 Slamball/MB hold squats 4 down ups 3- 20 Alt lunges, 10 press ups
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