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WOAH Sunday 24/01/21

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

Sunday Options

Option 1

30 min Run or 60 min Walk

Option 2

5 Rounds of the CrossFit warm up

10 Sit ups

10 Back Extensions

10 Push ups

10 Pull ups or BB, DB, KB Rows

10 Good Mornings

10 Air squats

10 secs Sumo Squat Holds

10 Shoulder Press

10 secs Samson Stretch R & L

10 Over Head Squat

Option 3

Catch up with any missed WOAH from

last few weeks

Option 4

Row or Airdyne

1000 m fast slow 100's

2 Sets of 5 x 1 min Rows/Cycle

1 min rest between each

5 mins rest between sets

Go as hard as possible each rep

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