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Weekly Catch Up - 7/8/23

Well done everyone that was another tough week in the gym. We are looking forward to seeing you all again next week.

Charity Event

Again we are one week closer to your charity event and we can't wait to see you all there smashing the marathon, half marathon or 10k. If you haven't signed up yet make sure to do it this week.

Next weeks WOD's:

Upside Down - 7/8/23

  • Group Warm Up: Coaches Pick

  • WOD: 3 x 7 min AMRAP / 3 mins rest between sets

  • Group Finisher: Cardio

Beast12 - 8/8/23

  • Group Warm Up: Coaches Pick

  • WOD: For Time (A bit of everything)

  • Group Finisher: Core Team WOD (Coach will be watching and monitoring reps)

Wheels-In - 9/8/23

  • Group Warm Up: 2 rounds

  • WOD: AMRAP in 30 mins

  • Group Cool Down: Cardio & Stretches

Helly - 10/8/23

  • Group Warm Up: 2 rounds

  • WOD: 5 RFT

  • Group Finisher: Bro Session 3 sets

Bergeron Beep Test - 11/8/23

  • Group Warm Up: Coaches Pick

  • WOD: EMOM to Failure as Team

  • Group Finisher: Obstacle Course

Classic CrossFit - 12/8/23

  • Classic CrossFit Session by Coach Aidan

CrossFit Scotland Charity Event - 13/8/23

  • Erg - A - Thon

  • Drop In Styled

  • Individual, Team & Kids

Can't wait to see you all next week and can't wait to see you all take on next weeks workouts. Get booked in now

CrossFit Scotland Team

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