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Weekly Catch Up - 4/9/23

Well done this week you can thank Coach Jim for the workouts. As always there was some crackers in there from the coach and you all smashed it.

Next Weeks WOD's:

Chasing The Clock - 4/9/23

30 minute running clock. Every 10 minutes the workout changes.

Fight Gone Nasty - 5/9/23

A lovely twist on the workout fight gone bad and nasty girls.

6-7-9 - 6/9/23

6 rounds of 3 minute windows. All rounds start with 3 exercises and finish with max cals.

Body Weight Burner - 7/9/23

This workout requires no equipment or weights but just yourself to take part in this one.

Friendly Fire - 8/9/23

AFAP in 15 mins with 5 minutes rest and repeat twice. Work your way through 10 rounds if you complete the 10 rounds you move to the next section.

Classic CrossFit - 9/9/23

Classic CrossFit session programmed and coached by Coach Aidan

Sunday Session - 10/9/23

Catch Up, Strength or Practice work. This is a perfect opportunity to work on your weaknesses and make them your strengths.

Looking forward to seeing you all next week

CrossFit Scotland Team

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