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May 2024

Good Afternoon CrossFit Scotland Members,


We hope you had a great month in April. Here are some events and dates to look forward to in May


May 3rd 2024

-          As of this Friday we will be moving our team workouts to a Saturday morning. This is to allow for us as coaches to make workouts for teams of 3 or 4. We will still have a team option on a Friday if you wish to organise a pair for the WOD we are still happy for you to do a team version of the WOD.


-          Double Unders Skill Session 2 will be on this date at 17:30pm sign up now on the booking app.


May 6th 2024

*** Important Information ***

-          We will be changing our first class in the morning to the following time 06:15am – 07:15am. This will allow members not having to rush about in the mornings to get to work.


-          Test Workout 5 – Helen is our next test workout. Make sure you are in this Monday and take a note of your time and weights for this workout as we will retest again in 6 months time.


May 26th 2024

-          Squat Technique Class. We will be running a Squat technique class focusing on Air Squats, Front Squats and Overhead Squat to help you improve on technique, range of motion and strength.


May 27th 2024

-          We will be running The Annual CrossFit Murph workout on this date. There will be various versions of this workout and we will have a team version as well. Make sure to take part in this workout as we all gather together as a CrossFit Community across the world and complete this ‘HERO WOD’


We have so much to look forward to in May we can wait to see you all booked up for these WOD’s, Events and Skills Sessions.


CrossFit Scotland Team

Build A Better You!

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