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House of Horrors | Monday | 30/10/23

Updated: Oct 30, 2023

Warm Up | Coaches Pick

WOD: 7 min AMRAP / 3 min Rest

RXD Option:

Room 1

7 Cals Ski

7 Burpees

7 MB Clusters (9/6)

Room 2

7 Cals Row

7 Deadlift (70/55)

7 T2Bar / T2Band

Room 3

4 Strict Weighted PU’s / Strict Pull Ups

6 Box Jump Overs (24/20”)

8 Cals Bike

Room 4

8 Ball Over Bar (25/20)

2 Rope Climbs

6 Push Jerk (60/42.5)

SCALED Option:

Room 1

7 Cals Ski

7 Burpees

7 MB Clusters (6/3)

Room 2

7 Cal Row

7 Deadlift (55/40)

7 K2E / KR / Rig Pikes

Room 3

4 Pull Ups / Banded Pull Ups

6 Box Step Overs (20/16”)

8 Cals Bike

Room 4

8 Ball Over Bar (20/15)

10 Body Rows (13-15)

6 Push Jerk (42.5/30)

Pick one of the following after the WOD:

Core Finisher:

3 sets x 10 reps

Plate Sit Ups

Plate Hot Hands

Plate Shifters

Accessory Work:

3 sets x 10 reps

DB Bench Press

DB Tricep Extension

Banded Press Ups

Top Up:

30 on / 30 off Ski

X 5 or

X 10 or

X 15

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