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Honda - 15/3/23

Group Warm Up: (10 mins)

· 30 Skips

· 20 Shoulder Press (Wooden Pole)

· 10 Wrist Holds (3 sec hold)

· 10 Elbows through

· 5 Inch Worms

***Pulse Raiser***

0 – 6 minutes:

30 Shoulder to Overhead

30 Cals Bike (Damper 10)

30 Hang Power Cleans (+5/+2.5 kg each round)

30 Box Steps (20/16)

If finished before 6 mins rest (Class busy step ups can be performed first)

6 – 12 minutes:

25 Shoulder to Overhead

25 Cals Bike (Damper 10)

25 Hang Power Cleans

25 Box Steps (20/16)

If finished before 6 mins rest (Class busy step ups can be performed first)

12 – 18 minutes:

20 Shoulder to Overhead

20 Cals Bike (Damper 10)

20 Hang Power Cleans

20 Box Steps (20/16)

If finished before 6 mins rest (Class busy step ups can be performed first)

18 – 24 minutes:

15 Shoulder to Overhead

15 Cals Bike (Damper 10)

15 Hang Power Cleans

15 Box Steps (20/16)

If finished before 6 mins rest (Class busy step ups can be performed first)

RXD+ (45 – 60/30 – 45) - RXD (40 – 55/25 – 40)

SCALED+ (30 – 45/20 – 35) - SCALED (25 – 40/15 – 30)

Practice Work: (10 mins)

· HSPU (Kipping / Strict)

· Pull Ups (Kipping / Butterfly)

· Mobility

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