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Fitness | Wednesday 28/2/24

Updated: Feb 27

Warm Up: EMOMx8

·       50 seconds Cardio

·       50 seconds Shuttle Runs

·       6 – 8 Burpee High Jumps

·       10 – 16 DB Snatches (Light Weight)

Rx Workout / Scaled Workout: 2 mins rest between AMRAP

AMRAP in 8 mins:

40 A-Jumps / 30 A-Jumps (12”/8”)

40 Cals / 30 Cals

20 Burpee Plate Hops / 20 Burpees

20 HSPU / Pike Press Ups

AMRAP in 4 mins:

2 BMU’s / 2 Burpee Pull Ups

1 Out In Run

2 Power Snatches (50/35 / 35/25)

AMRAP in 4 mins:

4 Devil Cleans (22.5/15 / 15/10)

6 DB Clusters (22.5/15 / 15/10)

6 T2B / KR

AMRAP in 8 mins:

40 Lunge Jumps / 30 Lunges

40 Cals / 30 Cals

20 Box Jumps / Box Steps

20 HR Press Ups


Burpee Challenge:

Rx – 40 – 30 – 20 - 10 reps

Scaled – 35 – 25 – 15 - 5 reps

Foundation – 20 – 15 – 10 – 5 reps

Core / Cool Down: Coaches Pick

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