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Fire Ball | Friday | 3/11/23

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

Warm Up: Coaches Pick

WOD: For Time

RXD Option:

While A works

B must hold the other Fire Ball (25/20)

150 Burpee Lateral Ball Jumps

100 Ball Alt Shoulder Push Press (25/20)

200 Ball Goblet Squats (25/20)

100 Ball Box Jumps 20/16” (9/6)

150 Ball Squat Cleans (25/20)

· If any Fire Balls touch the ground

· 5 Burpee penalty for team

· Use SB as Fire Ball

SCALED Option:

While A works

B must hold the other Fire Ball (15/12)

150 Down & Up Lateral Line Ball Jumps (6/3)

100 Ball Alt Shoulder Push Press (15/12)

200 Ball Goblet Squats (15/12)

100 Ball Box Step 20/16” (6/3)

150 Ball Squat Cleans (15/12)

· If any Fire Balls touch the ground

· 5 Down & Up penalty for team

· Use SB as Fire Ball

Pick one of the following after the WOD:

Core Finisher:

3 sets x 10 reps

Bicycle Crunches


Rig Pikes

Accessory Work:

3 sets x 10 reps

DB Squats

DB Split Squats

Wall Sit (30 secs)

Top Up:

20 on / 10 off Row

X 8 or

X 16 or

X 24

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