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Crawl Under A Rock - 19/7/23

“Crawl Under a Rock”

Group Warm Up:

Cardio Based Exercise

2 rounds of:

10/10 Kneeling Pall O Twists (Band)

20/20 Sec Side Plank

20 Sec Wooden Pole Stretch Over Ball

Strength Work: Barbell Cycling

20 on / 10 off x 14 sets

· Snatches

Score = Total Reps

RXD+ (40/30)

RXD (35/25)

SCALED+ (30/20)

SCALED (25/15)

WOD: E3MOM x 5 rounds

25 MB Sit Ups

16m Bear Crawl

15 MB Clusters

Score = Worst Round (Time Rest Left)

RXD (9/6)

SCALED (6/3)

Accessory Work: 3 Rounds

20 Alt jack Knives

20 Up N Overs

30 Flutter Kicks

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