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Coffey - 3/8/23

Group Warm Up:

10 Cals

10 Back Squats (Empty Bar)

10 Bench Press (Empty Bar)

8 Cals

8 Back Squats (Increase Weight)

8 Bench Press (Increase Weight)

6 Cals

6 Back Squats (Working Weight)

6 Bench Press (Working Weight)

WOD: For Time (40 min TC)

Run 800m

50 Back Squats

50 Bench Press

Run 800m

35 Back Squats

35 Bench Press

Run 800m

20 Back Squats

20 Bench Press

Run 800m

1 Muscle Up

*** Bar for Back Squats must be cleaned from the ground & then racked for Bench Press***

RXD+ (60/42.5)

RXD (50/35)

SCALED+ (40/30)

SCALED (30/20)

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