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Cleaning Product - 15/8/23

Group Warm Up: 3 Rounds

· 10 Cals

· 10 World’s Greatest Stretch

· 10 Wrist Rockers

· 30 Secs Lower Back Work (Of your choice)

Extended Warm Up: Coach Led

· 5 Clean Shrugs (Mid Thigh)

· 5 Clean High Pulls (Mid Thigh)

· 5 Hang Power Cleans (Mid Thigh)

· 50% of Working Weight - Repeat (Below Knee Caps)

· 75% of Working Weight - Repeat (Min Shin)


Every 20 secs x 6

· 3 Power Cleans (60/42.5)

1 min rest

Every 15 secs x 8

· 2 Power Cleans (65/47.5)

1 min rest

Every 10 secs x 12

· 1 Power Clean (70/52.5)

1 min rest

AMCAP in 10 mins:

Buy In: 30 Burpees

2 Power Cleans

1 Hang Power Clean

10 Bar Hops

*** Use last weight you used in lifting ***

Group Cool Down:

· 5 mins cardio

· Static Stretches

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