Warm Up: 2 Rounds
20 Hanging Side to Sides (Standing)
10 Back Extensions (Slow & Controlled)
10 KB Sumo Squats (Light Weight)
Workout: Teams of 2
Rx Option: (32/24 – 25/20)
Part 1: Every 45 secs x 10 sets
1 Deadlift (Adding: + 5 / 2.5) Starting Weights: (105 /82.5)
Part 2: AMRAP in 8 mins Alternating Exercises:
4 HSPU - 8 KBS - 12 Straight Leg Sit Ups
Part 3: For Time
500m - 50 SB Snatches - 500m
Scaled Option: (32/24 – 25/20)
Part 1: Every 45 secs x 10 sets
1 Deadlift (Adding: + 5 / 2.5) Starting Weights: (105 /82.5)
Part 2: AMRAP in 8 mins Alternating Exercises:
4 HSPU - 8 KBS - 12 Straight Leg Sit Ups
Part 3: For Time
500m - 50 SB Snatches - 500m
Strength: EMOM
OHS - Pause Reps
7 x 1
1 x 7 reps
5k Challenge
Incline / Hill Runs
x 3 Sets
x 4 Sets
x 5 Sets
See App for Details
Mobility / Cool Down
Seated Hamstring Stretch
Lying Glute Stretch
Knee Hugs
Front to Back Hold
Bicep Twist & Hold