I hope everyone has been enjoy the workout this week. You have all been doing a great job of taking on the challenge.
Members Night Out
Just a gentle reminder that the members day out is on Saturday the 27th May. The garage in Kilmarnock for some bowling everyone is welcome to come along. If you are interested can you please message Megan or put name on the sheet on board as you come in.
Next Weeks WOD's
Mr. Joshua - 15/5/23
The Chief - 16/5/23
Fight Gone Bad - 17/5/23
Ramblin' Man - 18/5/23
This workout is 3 rounds for time with basic movements that everyone can achieve.
Nate - 19/5/23
Classic CrossFit - 20/5/23
Strength Session - 21/5/23
Hope to see you all next week for the workouts. Enjoy
CrossFit Scotland Team