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Weekly Catch Up 14/8/23

Well done this week there was some sweaty ones in there. As always you all smashed it.

Next weeks workouts:

Fire In My Heart - 14/8/23

This cardio based workout will get you working heart and your heart rate up.

Cleaning Product - 15/8/23

This lifting session will work on technique and strength followed by a miniature AMRAP.

Duck Dodgers, Snoopy & The Eagle - 16/8/23

Three workouts that last 15 min each. They all work something different and have a bit of everything in there.

Evil EMOM - 17/8/23

Thrusters, Pull Ups and Burpees the best combination you can ask for in a workout.

Clobbering Time - 18/8/23

Big cardio distance and rounds for time. This team workout will keep you on your toes.

Classic CrossFit - 19/8/23

This Classic CrossFit session will be taken by Coach Aidan.

Sunday Session - 20/8/23

Strength work or catch up session you decide what you feel you need to work on best.

Hope to see you all next week

CrossFit Scotland Team

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