Wednesday 18th September | Twenty One?meganfoley6793Sep 15, 20241 min readRated 0 out of 5 stars.No ratings yetGymnastics PracticeToes to Bar Twenty One?Every 3 mins x 10200m10 DB Hang Snatches8 T2B6 Burpees Over DBRemaining time is restRx:22.5/17.5 & T2BMasters Rx:17.5/12.5 & T2B & Knee RaisesScaled:12.5 / 7 & Kipping Knee Raises
Gymnastics PracticeToes to Bar Twenty One?Every 3 mins x 10200m10 DB Hang Snatches8 T2B6 Burpees Over DBRemaining time is restRx:22.5/17.5 & T2BMasters Rx:17.5/12.5 & T2B & Knee RaisesScaled:12.5 / 7 & Kipping Knee Raises