Group Warm Up: Coaches Pick
WOD: 2:30 on/2:30 off x 6
15/12 Cals
12 Box Jump / Step Overs
Max reps
· R 1 & 4 - Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges
· R 2 & 5 - Front Squats
· R 3 & 6 - Power Cleans
RXD - 60/45kg 24”/20”
SCALED - 45/30Kg 20”/16”
• Cals and Box Jumps to be completed within the 2 mins giving the final 30sec for max effort reps. The barbell must be lifted with at least 30 secs to go, if not it will need scaled.
• 2 rounds on Ski, 2 rounds on Row and 2 rounds on bike.
• Once the bar is picked up it shouldn’t be dropped till the buzzer goes (except if power cleans completed as singles
• Score is total reps across all rounds