Warm Up: Coach Led Mobility Work
Explosive Power Practice: Max Height Box Jumps 5 x 3 Reset Reps
(Can use stackers for boxes but start low then build up to max height – looking for explosiveness)
Power Warm Up / Practice: 5 mins to build to workout weight
Rx Workout: AMRAP in 7 mins
7 Box Jumps (24/20)
7 Pull Ups
3 mins rest
60 on / 60 off x 10:
1 Power Clean (60/42.5)
Remaining Time: Max Double Unders
*** Each Round Add 1 Rep to the Power Cleans ***
Scaled Workout: AMRAP in 7 mins
7 Box Steps (20/16)
7 Bar Rows
3 mins rest
60 on / 60 off x 10:
1 Power Clean (42.5/30)
Remaining Time: Max Skips
*** Each Round Add 1 Rep to the Power Cleans ***
March / April Challenge: Work towards your distance
Core / Cool Down: Coaches Pick