16/12/23aidanfitzsimmons8Dec 15, 20231 min readRated 0 out of 5 stars.No ratings yetSaturday 24 Mins1000m buy in Into AMRAP 3 Burpee High Touch6 Pull-ups9 Deadlift 12 MB Sit ups (LRC)15 HR Push-ups 30 Double UndersRX - 1000m row - 70/52.5 - 9/6 - Double Unders SCD - 1000/800m - weight scaled to suit - 6/3 - singles
Saturday 24 Mins1000m buy in Into AMRAP 3 Burpee High Touch6 Pull-ups9 Deadlift 12 MB Sit ups (LRC)15 HR Push-ups 30 Double UndersRX - 1000m row - 70/52.5 - 9/6 - Double Unders SCD - 1000/800m - weight scaled to suit - 6/3 - singles