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Weekly Well Done & Next Week

What a week in the box. You have all worked hard once again and we thank you for your efforts.

Next week in the box:

Monday - Macho Man

This named WOD sees us lifting the barbell on the minute every minute until failure or can you make it all the way to the end.

Tuesday - Farmers Market

This workout will take you to the farmers market and I wonder what you may find there

Wednesday - Double BS & B to B

Little bit of strength work to get you moving followed by a 6 rounds for time workout that will keep you on your toes.

Thursday - Reverse

This workout is 12 rounds for time and may require you to do things in reverse

Friday - Viola

AMRAP with the reps split between the two. We completed this workout in the box in 2017 but as an individual now we are being soft and letting you do it as a team.

Saturday - Classic CrossFit

You know the drill Classic CrossFit WOD

Sunday - Strength Session

Technique followed by a WOD or Foley's Followers Strength session.

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