Victory | Friday 31st January meganfoley6793Jan 261 min readRated 0 out of 5 stars.No ratings yetAMRAP in 25 mins:9 Pull Ups9 Squat Cleans9 Burpees9 Push Press9 Toes to Bar9 KBS9 Cals 5 mins restAFAP in 5 mins:SB Snail PushChange Every :30 - Each box = 5 metresRx:50/35 & 24/16Masters Rx:40/25 & 20/12
AMRAP in 25 mins:9 Pull Ups9 Squat Cleans9 Burpees9 Push Press9 Toes to Bar9 KBS9 Cals 5 mins restAFAP in 5 mins:SB Snail PushChange Every :30 - Each box = 5 metresRx:50/35 & 24/16Masters Rx:40/25 & 20/12