Warm Up: Coaches Pick
WOD: For Time (Teams of 2)
RXD Option:
AMRAP in 30 mins:
While A works
B is on the Box
Complete 1 round then return to the box. Only 1 person can touch the floor at a time
If two people touch the floor there is a 10 Cal penalty at the end of the workout.
5 Pull Ups
10 Press Ups
15 Squats
Every 3 rounds each complete:
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
SCALED Option:
AMRAP in 30 mins:
While A works
B is at Base (On Box)
Complete 1 round then return to the box. Only 1 person can touch the floor at a time
If two people touch the floor there is a 10 Cal penalty at the end of the workout.
4 Pull Ups
8 Press Ups
12 Squats
Every 3 rounds each complete:
14 Burpee Box Step Overs (20/16)
3 sets x 30 secs
T2B / K2E / KR
MB Bosu Crunches
Side Plank
Accessory Work:
3 sets x 5 reps
Push Jerk
Front Racked Lunges
Top Up:
20 on / 10 off Cycle
X 8 or
X 16 or
X 24