Happy New Year Everyone
Hope you all have a great one
Next week we start the new year early and we have some exciting workouts for you
"Holton Triple" - 2/1/23
This for time workout will keep you moving with some barbell cycling, body weight work and some cardio
"Rep Eliminator" - 3/1/23
This for time workout the reps will drop as each round goes on. Lighter weights higher reps
"Full Steam Ahead" & "Push, Pull, Legs" 4/1/23
Rowing intervals with a twist followed by a classic push pull leg day
"Saved by the ...?" 5/1/23
Every 3 mins for 5 rounds with an active 2 minute recovery.
"Beatdown DT" 6/1/23
Beatdown styled workout of DT will keep both of you on your toes
"Classic CrossFit" 7/1/23
Classic CrossFit workout coached by Neil
"Strength Session" - 8/1/23
Technique followed by strength or WOD you pick
This week we will also have the new skilled class on Tuesday @ 6:45pm. This will consist of gymnastics, skilled movements, mobility & time to workout on your weakest barbell movements.
Hope to see you all this week
CrossFit Scotland Team