Warm Up: Coaches Pick
Rx Workout: AMRAP in 30 mins: You Go I Go Rounds
10 Alt DB Snatches (22.5/15)
10 Single DB Lunges
5 Burpees Over DB
Run - Collect a cone
Scaled Workout: AMRAP in 30 mins: You Go I Go Rounds
10 Alt DB Snatches (15/10)
10 Single DB Lunges
5 Burpees Over DB
Run - Collect a cone
(If dry have the cones outside mid-way along building so that they run out one door and back in the other - if wet, have cones split at both end s of room and the must run to the furthest cone.)
Team Strength: E20secs x 20 reps: 1 Synchro Power Cleans
March Challenge: Work towards your distance
Core / Cool Down: Coaches Pick