This workout takes a bit of prep.
Warm up with two rounds to fine tune the distance and rep count.
The goal is complete the metres in under one minute and the lifting in forty seconds giving you a 20 second rest before the round restarts.
Uitilise the two rounds to fine tune the distance and the reps for the lifting or jumping squats.
Every two minutes
For thirty minutes
200m/180m row or run (500m/450m cycle or 15/12 AirDyne calories) or max skips in 55 seconds
10 DB hang clean and push press.
(a barbell can also be used @ 35/25 kgs)
200 m row or run (500 m cycle or AirDyne) or max skips in 50 seconds
10 jumping squats

It’s always the ones that look “easy” that kick you in the ass! 200m Row 8 DB HPC & Press @ 22.5kg
Ran for 1 minute then 10 221/2 kg HPC for 2nd min nice and sweaty 😀
Skipped and DB hang clean and push press with 2x6.7kg. Skipping atrocious!!!!!!!! 🥵