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WOAH Thursday 9/07/2020

For time:

21 Calorie Row

(Substitute skips - 50 dus/100 singles)

21 Thrusters (40/25)

(Substitute burpees)

Rest time = Work time

15 Calorie Row

(Substitute skips - 40 dus/80 singles)

15 Thrusters

(Substitute burpees)

Rest time = Work time

9 Calorie Row

(Substitute skips - 30 dus/60 singles)

9 Thrusters

(Substitute burpees)

Rest time = work time

6 Calorie row

(Substitute skips - 20 dus/ 40 singles)

6 Thrusters (40/25)

(Substitute burpees)

Rest time = work time

3 Calorie row

(Substitute skips - 10 dus/20 singles)

3 Thrusters

(Substitute burpees)

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