At completion any WODs you complete: 20 Down ups 21 Full sit ups (For the year, 2021) BODYWEIGHT at home Emom 16 mins Min 1 4 Reverse Lunge 4 Jumping Lunge 4 Normal Leg Lunge Min 2 15 Burpees Repeat and alternate mins untill 16 min 8 sets of each. GYMNASTICS at home 5 Rounds 50 Russian twists 15 V-Sits 7 Inch worms BARBELL at home WOD - 20min EMOM 1- 30 sec Max hang snatch 2- 14 x Back squats 3- 16 x push press 4- REST ERG at home Emom for 20 minutes 16 Cal Erg 10 Burpee 10 Cal Erg 16 Air Squats STRENGTH at home RDL 6 x 6 Bulgarian Split Squat 5 x 10 Front Squat 4 x 10 Front Rack Lunges Alternated with Good Mornings 4 x 10 Chipper for time. 100 Air Squats 80 Sit ups 60 OHS 40 Jumping Lunges 20 Hip Thursters 10 Fire Hydrants
MET-CON at home 8 rounds for time 10 Man Makers right arm 10 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Snatch right arm 10 Air Squats 10 Man Makers left arm 10 Dumbbell /Kettlebell Snatch left arm 10 Air Squats
Our mission, is to keep you moving and motivated. If you trust us and our pledge to keep you on track and focused, you’ll come back fitter, healthier and much stronger when all of this is (hopefully) over!