At completion any WODs you complete: 20 Down ups 21 Full sit ups (For the year, 2021) BODYWEIGHT at home 3 Rounds. 25 Burpees 400m run 50 Air Squats 400 m Run/Row Time Cap - 20 mins GYMNASTICS at home 2 Normal Push ups 2 Close Grip 2 Wide Grip 2 Hand Release Complete 10 sets. Then: 100 Sit ups + 2min Plank hold BARBELL at home WOD - 16min AMRAP 2 mins Max Thrusters (empty bar) Remaining time climbing ladder - 3,6,9,12, etc Deadlifts Down ups Clusters 40/25 kg ERG at home EMOM 21 1- 15/12 Cal Row 2- 15 Goblet Squats 3- 15 Sit ups STRENGTH at home Bench/Floor Press Alternated with Bent over Row 6 x 6 Feet Elevated Push Ups Alternated with Reverse Grip Row 6 x 6 Bicep Curl 4 sets of 21’s AMRAP 9 mins 8 Bent Over Row 8 Bench/Floor press 8 Push Ups 8 Pendlay Row MET-CON at home 40 min EMOM- 40 seconds work-20 seconds rest 1- Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull 2- American swings 3- Single arm alternating Russian Swings 4- Rest Those Forearms!
Our mission, is to keep you moving and motivated. If you trust us and our pledge to keep you on track and focused, you’ll come back fitter, healthier and much stronger when all of this is (hopefully) over!