Great effort this week everyone you all smashed the workouts!
Charity Event
We are going to host our yearly charity event on one of the following dates so make sure to keep an eye out for the information posted on the events board. 29th/30th July or 5th/6th August.
Membership Update
We are so happy to announce we have so much interest from the CrossFit Kids and Teenage community that we will be adding an Under 18's membership to our gym. All information will be posted about this soon.
Next Weeks WOD's
Monday - Short & Sharp
Group Warm Up: EMOMx12
Gymnastics Work
WOD: 3 RFT (WBS & Running/Ski-Erg)
Group Finisher: EMOMx10
Tuesday - Always Moving
Group Warm Up: 3 rounds
Strength Work: Clean & Split Jerk
Accessory Work: Front Squats
WOD: 3RFT (Pull Ups, Walking Lunges, HSPU, GHD Sit Ups)
Group Cool Down: Stretches
Wednesday - Chasing Time
Group Warm Up: 2 rounds
WOD: 36 min Running Clock (Cals, WBS, T2B, Burpee Box Jump Overs)
Group Finisher: 3 rounds (MB Mountain Climbers, Crunches, Heel Taps)
Thursday - 4k Definition
Group Warm Up: 2 rounds
Cardio Work: Bike (Damper 5 time trial)
Strength Work: Barbell Cycling (Deadlift, Hang Power Clean, Power Clean)
Group Finisher: 6 sets (Rowing)
Friday - In This Together
Group Warm Up: Fun Coaches Pick
WOD: 6RFT (Power Cleans, WBS)
Accessory Work: EMOMx10 (Bench Press, Strict Pull Ups)
Saturday - Classic CrossFit
Classic CrossFit Session.
Sunday - Strength Session / WOD Catch Up
Sunday will give you the opportunity to work on strength or catch up on a word that you missed during the week.
Can't wait to see you all next week
CrossFit Scotland Team