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Weekly Catch Up - 3/4/23


Well done everyone who took part this week you done great as always.

CrossFit Community Event:

Workout has been posted. We will look to arrive between 8:00 - 8:20am and first pairing will set off at 8:30am. Every 8 mins after that a new pairing will set off until everyone has started the event. I hope to see you all there even if you're not taking part would be great to see your support as a community.

April Challenge:

This months challenge will be written up soon on the board so try keep score until then. Challenge is can you lift:

Gold - 60,000 kg

Silver - 45,000 kg

Bronze - 30,000 kg

Use your workout weights x by your reps to get your score for the workout you have completed. To make it more challenging only count your barbell weights.

Next Weeks WOD's:

Pistol Whip - 3/4/23

Skipping followed by some pistol squats and db snatches. 3 minute am raps with 1 min rest.

Evil EMOM - 4/4/23

A rare tried and tested workout by coach Megan (Yes she actually tested it!) Technique work first followed by a barbell complex on minute 1 followed by a 3-6-12 on second minute 2 with rest on minute 3.

Charleston - 5/4/23

9 exercises, 9 rounds and 9 reps. This will keep you moving for a while. Its a mixture of everything in this workout.

Smooth Walker - 6/4/23

Just a little bit of walking outside (if the weather is nice) followed by gymnastics and body weight exercises. Group finisher for the day is technique work (this may be moved to start of class depending on coaches order)

Bear Waves - 7/4/23

Barbell bear complex followed with cardio to break the waves up. The reps go up and then work their way back down like a pyramid effect.

CrossFit Community Event - 8/4/23

Classes will not be on this day but you're more than welcome to come down and take part in the workout that will be on for the event. Chipper styled workout for time. 10 exercises working your way through the gym at different stations.

Strength Session - 9/4/23

Technique work followed by strength or WOD

Hope to see you all next week and hope you enjoy the workouts.


CrossFit Scotland Team

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