Well done everyone this week had some hard workouts and you all gave it 100% even in this heat.
Next Weeks WOD's:
Maxi Press - 12/6/23
Working on overhead pressing techniques into an EMOM workout, 15 min 3 rep max then EMOM.
My So Called Legs - 13/6/23
3 Part workout that will work your cardio, core and legs. This workout also finishes with a great finisher.
Run Forest Run - 14/6/23
DB Snatches, Running, Squats and WBS working your way through these exercises for time.
The Rising - 15/6/23
2 Part workout with a group warm up. 15 minutes to establish 3 rep max front squat followed by 3 minutes on / 90 secs off x 5 sets.
Finger of Fudge - 16/6/23
10 rounds, 8 rounds & 6 rounds of various exercises in pairs for time.
Classic CrossFit - 17/6/23
Coach Neil is back and he will have a great exciting workout planned for you based off of some classic CrossFit workouts.
Strength Sundays - 18/6/23
Strength, Open Gym or workouts. Come in and complete your strength programme, complete a workout you missed or work on something your not so good at. use this time wisely to work on movements, strength or catch up.
Hope to see you all next week
CrossFit Scotland Team