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Weekly Catch Up 1/5/23


Well done this week on the workouts there was some nice spicy ones in there.

May Challenge

How many Benchmark workouts can you complete in the month. Most days will have benchmark WOD's on but don't worry if you miss one you like the look of but can't make. it in that day. Open Gym / weekend workouts can be used to catch up on a WOD you missed. All you need to do is write your name on the challenge board and write your time in the column for that benchmark WOD.

Members Day Out

Yes this is still going to happen on Saturday the 27th May. Bowling at the Garage in Kilmarnock. There is a sheet on the CrossFit Community board as you walk into the gym so make sure to put your name down on it.

Gym Closure

On Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th May the gym will be closed for refurbishment. We will need help on Friday night at 6:45 if anyone has spare time to help us move everything into the middle of the gym and everything off the walls. If you can help out can you book in for the class on the app and thank you in advance.

Next Weeks WOD's

Jackie - 1/5/23

Grettel - 2/5/23

Helen - 3/5/23

Order 66 - 4/5/23

May the 4th be with you. Star Wars themed workout which has been put together and tested by our very own Craig & Michelle.

Kelly - 5/5/23

All Benchmark workouts can be found on the following website:

Can't wait to see you all next week. We also can't wait for everyone to see the gym once the works have been complete.

CrossFit Scotland Team

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Marion Meikle
30. Apr. 2023

Happy to help out on 5th. Ive booked in.

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