5 x 5 min - 2 mins Rest
Part 1
5 mins of
50 Goblet Squats 24/16 kg
AMRAP Burpees
2 min Rest
Part 2
5 mins of
50 Sit ups
AMRAP KBS 24/16 kg
2 mins Rest
Part 3
5 mins of
50 KB SDHP 24/16 kg
AMRAP BOX Jumps/Step ups 24"20"
2 mins Rest
Part 4
5 mins of
50 SA DB Thruster 25 R/25 L
17.5 - 22.5/10 - 15 kg
2 mins Rest
Part 5
5 mins of
50 SA DB Snatch 25 R/25 L
17.5 - 22.5/10 - 15 kg
AMRAP Push ups