1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean + High Hang Clean
· Increase weight to more than workout weight
AFAP in 6 mins
Intended Stimulus
Keep moving, don’t rush the first couple of rounds.
Keep run at a pace you can recover from the cleans.
Rx: 42.5/30 | Scaled: 30/20
1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Out-In Run
Add 1 rep to Hang Power Cleans each round
2:00 mins rest
AFAP in 8 mins
Rx: 52.5/40 | Scaled: 40/30
1 Power Clean + 1 Out-In Run
Add 1 rep to Power Cleans each round
5 Rounds for Reps
200m Run / Row + 1:00 Bench Press (Rx: 70/47.5 | Scaled: 42.5/30)
Cool Down
1:00 Tricep Foam Roll
1:00 Lat Foam Roll