Chaos | Tuesday 10th September
This one will be spicy. Make sure to work those OHS even if it’s lighter in weight 🦵🌶️🤘
Chaos | Tuesday 10th September
This one will be spicy. Make sure to work those OHS even if it’s lighter in weight 🦵🌶️🤘
Rushing Around | Monday 9th September
Nice wee one to start the week
Let Go 😎🤘
Classic CrossFit | Sunday 8th September
Todays WOD is a Classic CrossFit Mash between a Barbell Bear and Cindy. Keep it lift and fast!
Post your scores 💪🏼
Let’s Go ☀️
Gymnastics | Saturday 7th September
Spicy one got to push for first set of Cals
Enjoyed this one scaled calories, shoulder taps from 20” box and toes to target!
Bench 45kg, 10 reps on last round
Rxd workout (no running - rowed, 24kg kb)