Chaos | Tuesday 10th September
This one will be spicy. Make sure to work those OHS even if it’s lighter in weight 🦵🌶️🤘
Chaos | Tuesday 10th September
This one will be spicy. Make sure to work those OHS even if it’s lighter in weight 🦵🌶️🤘
Rushing Around | Monday 9th September
Nice wee one to start the week
Let Go 😎🤘
Classic CrossFit | Sunday 8th September
Todays WOD is a Classic CrossFit Mash between a Barbell Bear and Cindy. Keep it lift and fast!
Post your scores 💪🏼
Let’s Go ☀️
Gymnastics | Saturday 7th September
Spicy one got to push for first set of Cals
Enjoyed this one scaled calories, shoulder taps from 20” box and toes to target!
Team Hotshots | Friday 6th September
Post scores
40kg bar, jumping pull ups, 200mtr run 🥵🥵🥵 7 rounds 32:57. Great team mates kept me going.
Kraken | Thursday 5th September
Post WOD Scores
@meganfoley6793 can you put the names of the wods to make them easier to find if we repeat them at a later date? For example if we want to compare scores for Christine we could look it up without needing to know the date we did it. Would that work? @
Hey yeah I will do that I will change the names of the ones I have previously posted ☺️
Wednesday 4th September
All about that technique, building confidence & getting under that bar
Let me know how you get on
Tuesday 3rd September
Spicy one have fun with this one 🌶️🔥
Bench 45kg, 10 reps on last round
Rxd workout (no running - rowed, 24kg kb)