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WOAH Thursday 11/06/2020

4 X 6min AMRAP with 3mins rest between

  1. 2/2, 4/4, 6/6 etc: single arm DB snatch + single arm thruster

  2. 2/2, 4/4, 6/6 etc: down ups + mountain climbers

  3. 30 double unders/60 singles + 10 db hang clean and jerk (alt. arms)

  4. 12 alt. lunges + 12 box jumps/step ups

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George Charlwood
George Charlwood
Jun 11, 2020

As above using 16kg KB as weight 1: 10/10+12 2: 10/10+6 3: 3+10su 4: 4+0

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