At completion any WODs you complete: 20 Down ups 21 Full Sit ups (For the year, 2021) BODYWEIGHT at home 250 Air Squats Every 2 mins: 5 Push ups 5 Squat Jumps GYMNASTICS at home 1 min Plank 20 Second LH Side Plank 20 second RH Side plank 50 Ab cycles (L+R =2) Complete 3 sets of above. Rest as needed. BARBELL at home WOD - 6 RFT 15 x Clean & Jerk 5 x Burpees 12 x Clean & Jerk 5 x Burpees 9 x Clean & Jerk 5 x Burpees ERG at home 3 x 8 mins erg Rest 2 mins between efforts (row lightly or 1 minute plank) STRENGTH at home For 8 mins perform 3 Clean & Jerk every minute increasing the weight if possible. Shoulder Press 5 x 5 Good Mornings 5 x 5 MET-CON at home Chipper 50-40-30-20-10 Burpee Box Jumps Kettlebell/Dumbbell Snatch Jumping Lunges Sit ups
Our mission, is to keep you moving and motivated. If you trust us and our pledge to keep you on track and focused, you’ll come back fitter, healthier and much stronger when all of this is (hopefully) over!
Why did i think that chipper was a good 'breakfast' idea🥵