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Weekly Well Done & Next Week


Just want to say a big thank you for your efforts towards the workouts and your feedback. This helps us design your programming to the best of our abilities.

Well done again

Next Week - What to look forward to in the box:

Monday - Strength & Nate

We look to take on a CrossFit named WOD tomorrow in the box. Starting it off with some strength work.

Tuesday - Evil EMOM

Its not as evil as it sounds but it is a EMOM (Every Minute on Minute). 4 EMOM for 6 mins. There may be a bag involved...

Wednesday - Joker

On Wednesday we will take on another named WOD Joker. It is no joke and only 1 round for time.

Thursday - 5 x 5 = 25

Thursday is the classic 5 x 500m row with a major twist in there. Safe to say you won't just be rowing the boat the full time ;)

Friday - Chipper

Splitting the reps between 2. This is a twist on one of the games workouts we do not speak of and never want to do again on your own, so we made it a team one so you can enjoy it together.

Saturday - Classic CrossFit

This will be another Classic CrossFit session in the box

Sunday - Strength

Technique work followed by a workout or Foleys Followers Strength session.

Box Update

Watch this space over the next week in the box. Christmas may have come early to the box

CrossFit Scotland Team

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