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Weekly Update 13/3/23


Well done everyone it was a great week in the box for us all and I am glad to see you all taking part in these workouts even though they are horrible sometimes.

CrossFit Community Event

Just a reminder sign up sheet is under the main board. This is an individual event where you will compete against yourself and see how long it takes to do your own individual run. 10 Exercises and will take roughly about an hour to complete. Saturday 8th April more details will follow in coming weeks.

March Challenge

15,000 - 20, 000 or 25,000m to be completed in the month of March. Can be completed on any concept 2 machine.

*** New Class Structure ***

As of next week there will be a new class structure. The class structure will look something like this (Structure will change depending on workout type):

  • 0 - 5 mins - Time to yourself

  • 5 - 8 mins - Class Explanation

  • 8 -15 mins - Group Warm Up

  • 15 -19 mins - WOD Prep / Equipment

  • 19 - 20 mins - Pulse Raiser

  • 20 - 45 mins - WOD

  • 45 - 55 mins - Group Finisher / Extra / Cool Down

This will change every single day, but you will always get 5 mins at the start of the class to do what you want / need. This way we can get the best out of the time slot for the classes. If you need extra time at the start of the class you're more than welcome to come in early and use the extra time to warm up / loosen off. Hope all makes sense

Next Weeks WOD's

Foreign Object - 13/3/23

Group warm up to start followed by a pulse raiser to get you moving before the workout. 5 rounds for time. Body weight workout with a higher weight on the push press using a slightly different piece of equipment for this one. Finishing the class with a core finisher.

Rep Accumulator - 14/3/23

Fun group warm up with mobility exercises followed by a pulser raiser. 20 secs on / 10 secs off for 4 exercises with a 40 second rest after the 4th. 10 rounds of this, can yo match your score each round and keep up the intensity. Finishing off the class with a cardio or strength extra.

Honda - 15/3/23

Group warm up followed by a pulse raiser to start. Honda sees you working with a 6 minute clock. If you beat the 6 mins you get extra rest. If the buzzer goes you move straight to the next section. Trying to increase the weight each round for 4 sets. The class will finish withe some practice work for 10 mins on HSPU, Pull Ups or Mobility work (Your Pick).

5x500m - 16/3/23

Yes its back and yes we all don't like it but this time its not just rowing! Group warm up followed by pulser raiser. This 5x500m is every 5 mins you start your next set. but rather than resting we decided to make it more fun and how many reps can you get of 5 different exercises in the remained of that 5 mins. Finishing the class off with a core finisher.

Lost in the Weeds - 17/3/23

Fun group warm up with mobility exercises. Pulse raiser to get your heart rate up before starting this workout. 6 round of 4 minute intervals, alternating exercises with 2 mins rest between sets. Cardio, Bodyweight and one heavy lift. This workout will be how hard do you want to push mentally to get the barbell reps unbroken. Optional extra at the end of cardio or core finisher.

Classic CrossFit - 18/3/23

Classic CrossFit session planned and coached by Neil.

Strength Session - 19/3/23

Technique work followed by strength or WOD coached by Neil.

We can't wait to start the new structure for the classes and look forward to seeing you all. any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

CrossFit Scotland Team

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