Well done everyone this week has been a warm one and looks to be the same next week as well. Thank you to everyone who took part this week.
Next Weeks WOD's:
Lift a Little - 5/6/23
Snatches or Cleans you decide on the lift you perform. Followed by a lovely group finisher.
5, 6, 7, 8 - 6/6/23
Overhead squats, Burpees & T2B in this workout. Lovely we 8 rounds for time.
Running Clock - 7/6/23
Cardio DT on a running clock followed by a bro session of cardio and curl & press.
Evil EMOM - 8/6/23
This 25 min EMOM will test your speed, cardio & core strength.
Final Battle - 9/6/23
3 minutes on / 1 minute off x 9. Alternating exercises then sync the third exercise.
Chased by the Bear (Classic CrossFit) 10/6/23
AMRAP in 32 mins you will complete a Barbell Bear, Dumbbell Bear and Slam Ball Bear
Weightlifting - 11/6/23
Snatches will be the weightlifting session. As always you can also come in and complete open gym.
Hope to see you next week.
CrossFit Scotland Team