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Return 2 Base | Friday | 17/11/23

Warm Up: Coaches Pick

WOD: 90 on / 90 off x 12

RXD Option:

90 secs on 90 secs off x 12

A works for 90 – B rests for 90.

Then switch.

Start where your partner left off.

9 Bar Facing Burpees

8 GTOH (50/35)

Score = Rounds completed

Both pairs start at base (middle of rig) and return to base to tag partner in.

Straight into:

2000m Row

SCALED Option:

90 secs on 90 secs off x 12

A works for 90 – B rests for 90.

Then switch.

Start where your partner left off.

9 Line Facing Burpees

8 GTOH (50/35)

Score = Rounds completed

Both pairs start at base (middle of rig) and return to base to tag partner in.

Straight into:

2000m Row


3 sets x 15 reps

Plate Sit Up to Press

Plate Hot Hands

Plate Deadbugs

Accessory Work:

3 sets x 3 reps

Hang Snatch High Pulls


Box Jumps

Top Up:

Every 3 mins:

30/24 Cals

X 2, 4 or 6 sets

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