WOD Build Up
4 sets x 5 Front Squats (Build to 70 – 80% 1 rep max)
Rest 1:00 between sets
Front Squat for Load
Every 3:00 perform 5 Front Squats
For Time (12 min TC)
*** Intended Stimulus ***
9:00 – 12:00 min workout
Snatches should be touch & go
Row completed in 1:00 or less
5 Squat Snatches (42.5/30) | Power Snatches (30/20)
15 HR Press Ups
10 / 8 Cal Row
10 Squat Snatches | Power Snatches
15 HR Press Ups
10 / 8 Cal Row
15 Squat Snatches | Power Snatches
15 HR Press Ups
10 / 8 Cal Row
Rx: 3 sets
:40 Plank on Rings
:30 L-Sit
10 Strict Toes to Bar
Scaled: 3 sets
:40 Plank
:30 L-Sit
10 Strict Knee Raises
Cool Down: 3 sets - :30 Cobra Stretch - :30 WGS / Side